Designed for
C-Suite, Leadership,
and Decision-Makers.

Designed for C-Suite, Leadership, and Decision-Makers.

Comprehensive evaluations of your marketing materials and strategies to help you create inclusive and equitable content.

Let’s explore your unique challenges in connecting with diverse markets and demographics to develop tailored solutions. Our expertise includes:

In-Depth Assessments & Audits

Our consulting blends hard data with real people stories to spot your challenges and opportunities in the diverse marketplace. Then, we craft strategies that hit the mark.

Beginning without an in-depth assessment is like navigating without a map. Our assessments and audits give you a clear picture of where your brand stands in terms of inclusive marketing. This phase includes:

  • Surveys: Detailed surveys are designed to delve into the specific challenges your marketing team faces. This data-driven approach helps us gather quantitative insights on how your current marketing strategies are resonating with diverse audiences.
  • Focus Groups: Complementing our surveys, focus groups provide a space for in-depth discussions. These groups consist of a mix of marketing team members, from creative directors to social media managers, offering diverse perspectives and qualitative insights.
  • One-on-One Interviews: Tailored for individual attention, these interviews are essential for hearing unfiltered, personal experiences and insights from various levels within your marketing team, including campaign managers, designers, and content creators.
  • Comprehensive Audits: A thorough examination of your current marketing campaigns, strategies, and communication channels. This audit identifies areas where inclusivity can be enhanced and assesses the effectiveness of current DEIB+Marketing practices.

Strategic Planning

Collaboration is key in shaping a marketing strategy that truly elevates your brand. We join forces with your team to refine your brand story and develop innovative campaign ideas.

Rooted in real-world scenarios and designed thinking principles, our strategy phase involves collaborating with your team to create plans that are both effective and authentic. This phase ensures:

  • Measurable Objectives: We establish clear, quantifiable goals to monitor the effectiveness of marketing initiatives. These objectives help in making necessary adjustments for a more inclusive approach in your marketing strategy.
  • Holistic Approach: Our strategy encompasses both the tactical elements of marketing campaigns and the broader transformative aspects, ensuring a comprehensive change in how your brand communicates with diverse audiences.
  • Leadership Engagement: Involving top-level management and decision-makers in the process to foster a culture of inclusivity at the strategic level. This includes educating and engaging marketing directors and team leads in DEIB+Marketing principles.

Implementation & Support

Transforming strategy into success requires collaboration, and our team is dedicated to that mission. We work closely with you to bring your strategic vision to life, providing expert guidance every step of the way.

Turning insight into action, we ensure that the strategies we develop don’t just end on paper. Our support system is tailored to breathe life into inclusive marketing, encompassing:

  • Custom Strategy Integration: We pinpoint critical touchpoints in your marketing operations to integrate DEIB principles, ensuring that our inclusive strategies become a seamless part of your brand’s DNA.
  • Specialized Empowerment Groups: We transform traditional ERGs and DEI Councils into specialized task forces focused on DEIB in marketing. These groups become powerhouses for driving change and infusing diverse voices at every level of your marketing strategy.
  • DEIB+M Transition Facilitation: Our team guides yours through the cultural and operational shifts necessary to embed DEIB deeply into your marketing practices, ensuring adoption is as intuitive as it is impactful.
  • Progress and Impact Analytics: Beyond standard metrics, we develop bespoke tools for your leaders to monitor the heartbeat of your DEIB+M initiatives—providing rich insights into the cultural shifts and engagement levels across your campaigns.


Who Benefits

Discover the diverse range of organizations and brands that can thrive with our specialized consulting services.

Enhancing diversity and inclusivity in educational marketing strategies to better represent and connect with a diverse student body and faculty.
Tailoring messaging to resonate with a varied supporter base, ensuring campaigns are inclusive and effectively communicate the organization’s mission and values.
Developing sensitive and inclusive marketing approaches that respect the diverse needs and backgrounds of patients and communities.
Crafting marketing strategies that appeal to diverse consumer groups, enhancing brand loyalty and broadening market reach.
Positioning tech brands in a way that acknowledges and embraces the diversity of their user base, from product development to advertising.
Creating financial marketing and communication strategies that address the diverse economic needs and backgrounds of clients.

Advising on content and marketing strategies that reflect and respect a wide spectrum of identities and experiences.

Designing marketing campaigns that celebrate diversity and inclusivity, appealing to a global and varied clientele.
  • Political Campaigns and Advocacy Groups: Shaping communication strategies that resonate with a broad electorate, ensuring inclusivity and representation in political messaging and outreach.
  • Sports Organizations and Teams: Implementing marketing strategies that celebrate diversity in sports culture and connect with fans from all walks of life.
  • Beauty and Fashion Industries: Advising on campaigns that challenge industry norms by embracing body positivity and cultural diversity in beauty and fashion.
  • Environmental and Sustainability Initiatives: Crafting messages that appeal to a wide audience, emphasizing the universal impact of environmental issues and sustainable practices.
  • Arts and Cultural Institutions: Developing marketing approaches that highlight inclusivity in the arts, ensuring representation of diverse artists and audiences.
  • Real Estate Agencies: Tailoring marketing to reflect the diversity of communities and clients, ensuring inclusive practices in property advertising and client relations.
  • Automotive Industry: Guiding automotive brands to connect with a diverse customer base, from vehicle design marketing to inclusive advertising strategies.
  • Legal and Consulting Firms: Enhancing brand messaging to reflect a commitment to diversity and inclusion, both internally and in client services.

Create unique, authentic, and inclusive campaigns that resonate with diverse audiences.